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At Last

In 2011, June 2011 on June 30, 2011 at 7:36 am

Way back when, long before we were even engaged, my then-boyfriend-now-fiance said out of nowhere “Hey, you know what we should do our first dance to? “At Last” by Etta James.”

And despite my love of all things jazzy and swingy, I had no idea what he was talking about. So he turned to youtube and found it for me.

And wow, what an amazing song. “Fantastic!” I responded and that was it, we locked in what might be one of the few things we were going to agree on.

Only, then I started doing the wedding research, and apparently every man and his dog has Etta James’ “At Last” for their first dance. It has become cliche, or so I have been informed.

So, what do you think, should I stick with the cliche song and say to hell with it, or do we find a new song that still has all the same meanings, but that people won’t already be sick of?

Wedding Car

In 2011, June 2011, Transport on June 30, 2011 at 12:12 am

To go with the whole vintage theme I’m thinking of hiring this car to transport the girls from my parents house to the ceremony

Austin Princess

It seats 7 people so myself and my 4 bridesmaids are sorted, now I’m just trying to work out whether my Dad and flower girl can squish in there, too. And if not, how do I work it all out?

Fifties Wedding Dress

In 2011, June 2011, Outfits, Wedding Dress on June 29, 2011 at 7:32 am

50s Wedding Dress Pattern

At Fifties Wedding

You know, in case I decide to have one made.

French Photographer

In 2011, Inspiration, June 2011, Photography on June 29, 2011 at 12:03 am

As some of you may remember, my fiance (in a moment of insanity) suggested that we honeymoon in Europe and hire a wedding photographer to re-create my wedding-dress-on-a-carousel-in-Paris look.

Carousel Photograph

Well, I’ve found a photographer that I think looks pretty amazing* Juliane Berry and (according to her blog at least) she’ll throw a tour of Paris in as well.


*Though I haven’t actually contacted her so there’s a very real chance that she’s already booked. Or not in Paris when we’re going to be there. Or is fundamentally opposed to carousels. It’s hard to know.

Grooms/men Ties

In 2011, Groom's Attire, June 2011, Outfits on June 28, 2011 at 12:02 am

I’m very into polka dots right now, but alas the fiance is not (boooo) so I’m trying to come up with a cool, yet vintagey tie.

This is the one (in polka dots) that I’m loving

Grey Polka Dot Tie

And look, it comes in a cute little bow tie for the page boy!

Grey Polka Dot Bow-Tie

Though it might be too much with the grey suits.

He’s a bit more open to stripes (but still think in grey)

Stripe Tie

And there’s these ones

Colourful Ties

that I think would look good, but don’t fit with my original planned pink theme.

All ties available at Me and Matilda on Etsy.

Gift/Bonbonniere Labels

In 2011, Bonbonniere, Bridesmaid Gifts, Gifts, June 2011 on June 27, 2011 at 8:28 am

How gorgeous are these bonbonniere/gift labels?

Gift/Bonbonniere Labels

Even better, they can be downloaded for free from Eat Drink Chic.

Fifties Wedding

In 2011, Inspiration, June 2011, Stationery on June 27, 2011 at 12:05 am

I have no idea how I’ve not come across this website before in my thousands of searches, but there it is, I haven’t.

Introducing Fifties Wedding which is going to come awfully in handy!

(And they’re having a competition to win some awesome invitations

Name These Invitations (by Sweet Words)

by Sweet Words. All you have to do is email Fifties Wedding your suggested name for them by July 31st, and if Sweet Words likes your name you win!)

Engagement Shoot

In 2011, Inspiration, June 2011 on June 26, 2011 at 2:10 am

I saw this photograph from an engagement shoot on The UnBride

Comic Book Engagement Shoot on the Unbride

and I thought it was just beautiful, those light touches and smiles that say “I’m here and I love you.” Just wow.

Reception Location

In 2011, June 2011, Reception on June 24, 2011 at 11:43 pm

So as I think I’ve mentioned we’ve been having trouble choosing a reception venue.

We’ve been tossing up between the Victoria Hotel (which includes a number of things including canapes on arrival, discounted/free parking and a free room for the night) and the Fitzroy Town Hall (which lacks these things, but which works out to be about $1500 cheaper if you include the cost of a caterer).

So we went to Fitzroy today to check out the Town Hall. And it’s stunning. Beautiful. Grand.

But that’s probably not enough to make up for the extra time and money that’s going to have to go into it.

The $1500 difference between the Town Hall and the Victoria Hotel is eaten up by a number of things, including having to buy alcohol, hire security staff, obtain public liability insurance, having/finding people to set-up and take down the decorations and tables, the cost of hiring the commercial kitchen for the caterers and a room for the night. Assuming we’re not going to go whizzing off on our honeymoon then and there.

So I suspect we’re going to settle for the Victoria Hotel. On the plus side, it does have a cool art-deco feel to it:

Swanston Room

Not the clearest of photos, but you get an idea.

Now let’s just hope that the room is still available!

Gambling Centrepieces

In 2011, Bonbonniere, Centrepiece, Decoration, Gifts, June 2011 on June 24, 2011 at 1:21 pm

I could never pull this off ‘coz my fiance would kill me, but how awesome would it be to have little gambling sets as your centrepieces?

So, for example, someone would have a mini roulette table, and someone else a small version of craps, and so on. With poker chips (or match sticks) as bonbonniere. You could even have them personalised!

Roulette Wheel

Mini Craps Table

Personalised Poker Chips

I’m onto something, I’m sure of it!